
ESSENS is one of the most dynamic MLM companies in Europe. Since 2011 it has been engaged in the production of cosmetics, premium food supplements and ecological home cleaning detergents. In addition to having millions of satisfied customers, the distributions network consisting of thousands of members is supported by branches on three continents. Behind the success of the company is a network of distributors led by professional leaders and also a team of senior management along with ESSENS owners Mr Viliam Lalinský, Libor Prus and Michal Kovář at the helm.

Dalibor Kopel

Chief Operations Officer
I merged my professional career with ESSENS at the beginning of 2016. At this time, I saw enormous potential. I personally had the challenge to apply my experience from large international corporations.

When I look back on the past three years, I see a tremendous amount of work. For an example: In 2015, ESSENS dispatched 111.000 orders, in 2018 already 700.000 and in 2019 we will try to hit the goal of 1 million of orders per year. These are the numbers that bind and create enormous pressure on processes, information systems, and especially on us, ESSENS employees.

Steve Jobs often used Wayne Gretzky's quotation " I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been." And I would like our philosophy to be exactly that. Every day, we are trying to bring and apply changes, improvements, using the technique "Thinking outside the box" and mostly to foresee any needs of our costumers before they even feel it. Sometimes we take two steps forward and one step back, but we will never stay still. However, our focus is and always will be on you – our customers.

Marek Pěnička

Chief Financial Officer
Marek joined the ESSENS team while working in a large multinational company. Nevertheless, he did not hesitate for one minute, accepted the job offer and joined ESSENS in 2020 as a Chief Financial Officer. He has been cooperating with ESSENS since the very beginning. As a banker he contributed to obtaining the company's first operational financing. Thanks to his experience, Marek is very well versed in areas such as financial consulting, banking, corporate finance and controlling, tax and accounting audit. His attitude to life and work was significantly influenced by his sporting activities, when he was actively involved in football and later floorball. Sport still plays a big role in his life, now more as a hobby, but he passes the sense of honor and fair play to young kids in sport activities.

“I have known ESSENS very well since my time in the banking sector. My cooperation with the founders of the company dates back to the period before its establishment. So when the job offer for the position of CFO came, I knew very well what huge reach and opportunities this company has. There was nothing to hesitate about. I felt that it is a great opportunity not only for my further personal development, but that I can also contribute to the further growth of the company through my knowledge and practice in all possible areas of finance and economics. I must say that I feel very good at ESSENS and in addition to the work that I enjoy and that fulfills me, I value the friendly atmosphere and admirable team spirit the most. It is a pleasant change for me after previous work experience from large corporations. ”

Vladimíra Horváthová

Controlling, Compliance and Cash Manager
Vladimíra has been with ESSENS since the opening in 2011. However she worked for several years before that for another company, that was also successfully run by Mr. Michal Kovář.
She started her career while still a student, when she worked part-time in a warehouse packing customer's orders. Immediately after graduation from high school, she started working as a sales operator, then worked as an assistant to the company's management and, thanks to her responsible approach, in 2011 she accepted an offer for the position of Office Manager of ESSENS Czech.
For the next 7 years, she was responsible for the running of the entire Czech branch, she focused on human resources, managing a team of employees and, in addition, carefully focused on the company's financial areas.

In 2018, when the company was already reaching much larger dimensions, it was necessary to fill the position of financial director. Vladimíra took on this position with vigor and took care of finances conscientiously for the next 2 years. As ESSENS continued to move forward and new needs continued to emerge, in early 2021 she moved her focus to ensuring compliance with established processes and guidelines so that ESSENS maintained compliance with corporate policies and ethical rules while growing rapidly.

“I have been working for ESSENS since we first opened and I have always tried to do my best with the best possible conscience and always with regard to what is the best for the company. I have always been looking for solutions rather than excuses. ESSENS is very close to my heart and that's how I look at any issues that need to be solved." I am grateful for the opportunity and trust that the company's management has placed in me and also for the opportunity to gain valuable experience and knowledge. In my opinion if a person tries to get the best out of themselves in their work and cares about the job and the work, they will be appreciated for the effort and the results will be visible. Regardless of age or education, our company gives everyone the opportunity to achieve their dream job, and I value this the most at ESSENS. ”

Radka Hadačová

ESSENS Italy Manager
"Radka joined ESSENS in 2014 before opening one of the most important branches, ESSENS Italy. As she lived in Italy for many years, she had a perfect knowledge of Italian legislation and her heart and soul were truly Italian. She was able to brilliantly secure all the legal requirements, confront a very complicated bureaucracy and, despite all the pitfalls, arrange a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for a new Italian branch.

From the very beginning, she has been fully responsible for her flawless branch performance. To be able to stay in centre of events, also to be close to everybody that requires her presence, whether it is and official clerks, employee or Italian leader, she is travelling to Italy every week. And how she describes her challenging job in her own words? “In my life, I always followed my intuition and sixth sense. If I don’t like something or disagree with anything, I am not afraid to say it. I can, however, be totally excited about anything that I feel would be perfect for the company, for the future and it would push us in the right directions. That’s exactly what I felt when I was offered a job as a manager of ESSENS ITALY. I am absolutely thrilled that my intuition did not disappoint me. Not only I was able to be involved in wonderful experiences, but I met a lot of amazing people, and many of them are still my very close friends. ESSENS has become my family. And so, with time, I can see that the job and everything that comes with it, made sense.

A well-thought-out company with an emphasis on quality, detail and people, and that must make sense to everyone."

Veronika Fiedlerová

Process Analysis and Controlling Manager
Veronika has been working at ESSENS since 2018, where she moved from business field of European funds, where she had the opportunity to participate in major projects for more than 10 years, such as the acquisition and implementation of hospital information systems, reconstruction and modernisation of facilities, including production processes. However, the work strangled by regulations and bureaucratic decisions no longer suited her and she found a pleasant change in ESSENS, as an dynamic and modern company, which at that time was going through the next big step of its growth and Veronika could grow with the company by its side, not only professionally but also as a manager.

"Here in ESSENS, I am in charge of the data controlling and analytics department. My work includes the supervision of key processes and projects connected not only with the IT department, but also the analysis of data of the company and each individual foreign branches. These include working daily with exports, sales analysis, creating and setting up promotions, pricing, E-shop administration. But ESSENS also gave me the opportunity to be part of implementing new projects, and I was involved in the creation of several product lines, such as Must Have Edition and Slow Living. Being at the start begins with the first idea, selecting and development of key products in terms of colour, composition, fragrance, packaging design or pre-sales calculations, and the whole process is one big adrenaline rush - great fun but also a responsibility.

In addition, I met amazing people at ESSENS, which is very important to me - not only professionally, but also as a human. I truly enjoy working with numbers and live processes, I don't like stereotypes, and that's not definitely a danger here, And most importantly - I'm looking forward to coming to work in the morning, to the smell of perfume testers upon arrival, to new job challenges and the lunch by our amazing Chef Robert ".

Petr Večeřa

Production Manager
"I joined ESSENS in 2018, but I have more than 25 years of experience in a foreign trade, where I was in charge of imports from many countries and had to go through the thorny path of customs legislation, new laws of the post-revolutionary state, and later of the European Union. This involves traveling, communicating in various languages, and exploring new business relationships, as well as establishing friendships with business partners. I believe that personal relationships and knowledge of different cultures allow you to find the best links where a business is changing into a partnership.

I knew ESSENS and its founder from the very beginning when he was still trying to break through the market.
Today, I see a company that is standing strongly on its own two feet and is providing a massive support for all partners. Some might say - I´m glad that I work here, but it might sound like a cliché. I can honestly say, that I have a dream job. And if the employee is satisfied, the company can also flourish and develop. I just want to live ESSENS.”

Anastasiia Marchenko

International department manager - Eastern Europe
Anastasiia came to Brno immediately after graduating from high school, and she began her studies at Masaryk University Czech Republic.. Brno totally enchanted her, so she decided to stay here. After graduating, she joined a logistics company, where she worked for two years. She enjoyed her work, but found her true potential only at ESSENS, where she was able to use her mother tongue and is currently coordinating needs of the ESSENS Russia branch.

“Do what you enjoy the most and there won't be a single day in your life that would be classified and work. This is my favourite quote and it also extremely well describes my approach to work.
I joined ESSENS relatively recently, and straight away I had to coordinate key issues for our largest and one of the most important branches, ESSENS Russia. It wasn't easy at all at first, but thanks to the teams support, I think I am doing well. And I am very grateful to the entire ESSENS team. ”

Tereza Baráková

International department manager - Western Europe
She started working at ESSENS in October 2018 after a year of living in England. She accepted the position of customer service, where she got acquainted with the overall operation of the company. After only three months, she was given a great opportunity to coordinate the newly opened branch in England. And as the potential of the British branch was realised very quickly, a branch was soon opened also in Dublin, Ireland, which Teresa also coordinates.

"I do not regret anything, a person has to get out of one's comfort zone. And whoever wants to stay in the comfort zone, then stay away from ESSENS. The main thing I value so much about ESSENS as an employee is the huge diversity of work, the constant growth and growth of individual employees, our members and the company as a whole. I myself have learned a lot from the beginning of my career that I could not even imagine before.

Everyone behind the ESSENS operation is doing our job with all our hearts and looking curiously at what the future holds for us. ”